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My child has special needs and has an Individual Education Plan. How will they be assessed?


Modifications and accommodations in your child's IEP are written to support his or her progress on grade level standards.

Your child’s progress will be assessed and reported using grade level standards with the appropriate accommodations or modifications as outlined in the I.E.P.

We strive through our district teaching and assessments to help all students master grade level curriculum standards. Different students make progress at different rates, so standards may be met in varying amounts of time, with varying amounts of teacher support.

How will English Language Learners or students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) be graded on a standards based report card?

The learning outcome standards for all students are the same; however, students with IEPs have specific accommodations and/or modifications that enable a student to meet the standards.  An accommodation does not change the standard, but provides the scaffolding and support necessary for that student to access and demonstrate knowledge of a standard.

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